Farano Center for Children
The Farano Center provides trauma-informed congregate care services for children between the age of birth and 18. We specialize in serving young people who have a range of developmental, behavioral & mental health issues that cannot be managed in a home setting.
Supervised Independent Living Program (SILP)
The SILP program provides a resource for young women who have developed self-sufficiency skills and are ready to transition to a less restrictive environment. The program provides adult supervision, feedback and guidance as the youth transition to an agency operated apartment in the community.
Heery Center for Young Families
The Heery Center provides trauma-informed Residential Services for pregnant and parenting adolescents between the ages of 12 and 21, who have been placed in the care and custody of their county as a result of parental abuse/neglect, PINS/JD behaviors or other circumstances that have placed them and their children at risk of harm.